Bad Blood (WWE)

published Feb 27, 2022 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jaythejester 464

Jesters industries is returning to the Weird West!

J.I. has begone developing a new line in conformance with tightened industry requirements, i.e. a smaller card pool format.

Today we present a sublime sanguine experience. Tumblebleeds! is a card I've always wanted to play but felt challenged to make work. This deck will often want to fight in the TS. The Tumblebleeds are playing for Blood, where a tied hand rank becomes not just a win, but can be a high casualty causing win.

They deck is pretty tight on 4-5-7 structure focused on reducing opponents bullets and cheating punishment. It also gets some extra rewards when cheating. Ma Aims should make up the influence you need when you use the home ability on her in the town square. Allie and your home create the win condition of this deck.