Gags and Gimmicks

published Sep 16, 2022 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jaythejester 464

Jester's Pranksters', a division of Jesters Industries is here to present a Gags and Gimmicks deck.

The gimmick is using Dave "Slim" Gorman’s ability but then still having studs in the shootout. This is achieved several different ways, from the Peacemaker, using Look What I Found! to play a Blue Lightnin' or Pearl-Handled Revolver, using a Winchester Model 1873, and Jack McCall if you outnumber your opponents dudes.

This deck starts with playing heavily on the strength of Jonah's Alliance's ability used on "Ma" Florence Aims. The Gags are the tricks pulled against your opponent, like snakes in a can, hiding and Ambushing them, or just having a funny clown.

The draw structure is a bit unusual and experimental. It's very strong on 4 and 5, with half powered 2's and 6's. Even this is a bit of a prank as your hoping to win more lowballs while still having the high chance at a good hand rank. Your relying on a combination of strong shooters and denying opponents strengths to win out in draw hands.