Drunken Diamonds

published Oct 05, 2018 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jaythejester 464

Jesters Industries is once again bringing solutions to problems you never knew you had. The fools here at J.I. have had many a day when we just weren’t getting what we wanted or needed. Those days are over now with our new Drunken Diamonds.

This deck is all about one thing and one thing only, Deeds. In fact, the origin of this deck came from a challenge I gave myself to build a dudless deck. I found the biggest vulnerability a slide deck has is their dudes because of the huge drain on card and economy resources. My conclusion was a dudeless Landslide deck would never work. The result of that thought expirement though lead me to something I call The Hurtle!

The Hurtle is the real driving life and blood of this deck. Before you hit The Hurtle, you’ll be playing deeds that will be controlled by your opponent, so you will need influence to keep from losing. The Hurtle is a game turn when you play enough deeds that your influence total no longer matters. This is because if both players have victory condition of having greater control points than opponents influence then the player with the most control points wins, while a tie means another day begins. When you hit The Hurtle use your dudes in what ever way you have to so you can end the day with a tie or win.

So that you don’t meet The Hurtle too soon, you will be starting at 7 end of day Influence (counting Clementine as 2). Agent P can be traded up for Androcles if you draw him. Henry will pay for himself if you win a single lowball you would have lost without his redraw. Randall will likely be your opponents first target, but will get you a larger hand size to cross The Hurtle if he’s still in play. Steven is a single turn boost of 3 influence, can be used to charge an opponents deed, or a deed your opponent has a Booted dude at in order to draw your opponents dudes out of position. Chow is also good at this as well, especially with his ability.

The hat is to be given to Henry to give him the ability to take opponents deeds. The Tusk is simply because it draws another card when played. There weren’t enough cheap deeds to finish filling out the deck, so was actually a better inclusion than another 3 or 4 cost Deed.

Oct 06, 2018 bokaj

Hm I'm curious why you picked the 108 Drunken Masters, since you don't have any Technique Actions or Kung Fu Dudes in the deck?

Oct 06, 2018 RNash

Nice build @jaythejester! I really enjoy the singleton Fancy New Hat and Tusk, those are much better additions than inefficient deeds.

I have been tinkering with something similar, it's always interesting to see where the same idea differs between players. I built mine out of 108 Gracious Gifts to get the extra card cycle for a couple turns when you are hitting 0 money from spending it all on deeds, but I like the synergy of 108 Drunken Masters with Clementine Lepp. I have also been tinkering with a Morgan Gadgetorium version using gadgets as further acceleration to be more explosive, but it is definitely not as consistent.

Oct 07, 2018 jaythejester

@bokaj The reason for playing Drunken Masters is to make some very interesting deeds saloons for Clementine Lepp. Clementine serving drinks in The Mayor's Office gains you 2 control points and can reduce one influence on an opponent, a very big deal for a slide deck. Holding control and use of Baird’s or Circle M Ranch would also be very good.

I can’t stress enough how vital it is for this deck to be able to play 5 or 6 control points down in one turn, and so the economy and deck composition has to be just right. If it goes as planned, the low dude count won’t matter at all because of the way victory condition and Winner is figured out.

Oct 07, 2018 jaythejester

@bokaj The reason for playing Drunken Masters is to make some very interesting deeds saloons for Clementine Lepp. Clementine serving drinks in The Mayor's Office gains you 2 control points and can reduce one influence on an opponent, a very big deal for a slide deck. Holding control and use of Baird’s or Circle M Ranch would also be very good.

I can’t stress enough how vital it is for this deck to be able to play 5 or 6 control points down in one turn, and so the economy and deck composition has to be just right. If it goes as planned, the low dude count won’t matter at all because of the way victory condition and Winner is figured out.

Oct 07, 2018 bokaj

@jaythejester Ah interesting! I got to try this.