Your probably wondering why this thing is called the Fortress? The deck starts a pitiful 4 influence and a hand full of deputies but fear not! Once you get to a legal instruments you just mossy all them deputies into it and you go from that pitiful 4 influence to 10! (including Jake of course) This can make this deck really hard to beat!
Game one: vs Gadgetitorium I saw flame throwers go into discard from low ball thinking those would suck going into my Fortress. I look at my hand and see no Instruments! Fortunately this deck can still fight well until it shows up to spike my influence. I am able to win a key gunfight and sit on his deeds to win the game!
Game 2: MCC Horses and Flame Throwers I see another flame thrower in lowball (people really like fire in this tourney). Instruments hits this game and I am at the big 10 influence with all dudes played the ability to run around! I play many deeds and he only gets 2 (one of which was a R&D that blew up). His other deed was Blake ranch that I sent Mortimer to. He sent Lane on a mechanical horse to go fight him. We drew and I cheated on purpose to get Mortimer out of there! With Lane not bale to help his buds at home I bounty hunter to kill enough influence to take it.
Game 3: Desolation Row Shooters My love is playing this deck that I built for her (it is really scarey!). She puts shotgun on Milt and as you can see with my starting posse I get dead if I show up to a fight with him. She gets the money and then puts out a B&B's which I send Philip to fast to keep her from upping Milt to make more money. She then transfers the shotgun over to Smiley (this is about to suck). I run Tommy over to help and the fight starts with Phillip getting dead. I faster on the draw to get 2 stud to her 0 draw and win the shootout to win the game!
Game 4: Desolation Row hex slingers I have one one deed in hand which is Killer Bunnies Casino and his first play is Ulysses (well damnit). But my first play is Instruments and all my guys pile in! A turn or two go by then he sends a kidnapping into the Fortress and the shoot out actions turn us both into 1 stud one draw. He gets two pair and I get a legal full house. With the money I make off those guys I buy Dave. Dave walks around town with Steven Wiles to win me the game.
I had fun with this deck and I hope you do as well!
May 31, 2015 mplain |
May 31, 2015
Ich Meh
After the initial lineup goes in there really isn't a need to make more guys go into the Fortress. The best play is to put Instruments on a deed that makes income first turn. Because there is 0 upkeep at the start the economy starts to ramp fast in the deck. Everyone else that hits play can just run around and do what they have to do. Also if they spread around and sit on deeds they can be hit by bounty hunters (it's good times hitting isolated guys with bounty hunters!). |
Jun 01, 2015
Very good idea! It looks like you have a contingency for most every scenario n this deck. I like the element of surprise that Legal Instruments gives you after your opponent initially sees your low Influence, and with that draw structure I bet it's a great shooter. If I was to make a deck to counter this, I would use 4th Ring and Oddities of Nature, and load my deck with Phantasm and Paralysis Mark to push your guys off of your deeds and into town square! Muah haha |
Jun 01, 2015
Ich Meh
Phantasm at the high pull could work to root the guys out. At the low pull they would just go right back! Pulling them into town square then soul blast might work! |
I don't quite understand. If you gather all your dudes in one deed with the Legal Instruments, that means that all your other deeds are left unprotected, and you don't contest any of your opponent's deeds. Is the strategy to stall the game until you can bring in the big guns? But they will do the same, and they will gain money even faster than you do, no?