Mystical Swarm: PBE GenghisCon 2020 BYE Deck

published Feb 17, 2020 | | |
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Pine Box Entertainment, LLC 406

All aboard the choochoo!

This is the deck ran as the BYE to fill out to 8 players in the two GenghisCon events. Generally I like to play swarmy cheap dudes and while building outfits from Out for Blood, I noticed players on the database seemed to be focusing on Mystical Gadgets with the railroad. So with my playstyle, I took a look at 5/10/K as having the cheap Mystical goods for the discount and there was some good synergy, so I tried this out as a control shooter. Went very well and lost only to our champion after the main event with a shootout gone wrong after risking my influence, which is something the deck doesn't have to do with the expendables.

Only change right now I'm looking at is replacing Ol'Howard with Black Owl. Howard was in there to fetch Joker's Smile in case I didn't draw a deed or my opponent didn't play one so the outfit ability could still be used, but in that case I think if that is suspected, just swap in Travis.

With the addition of Vivene, I could also go back to 4 Stone's Colt Dragoons. To fit in with the control element, The Grey Man and Nickel Night Inn I think would also be good. Initially I tried this with Under the Weather but the pull isn't always reliable. Ramiro was in for Vivene previously.

Off suit choices:

-Blue Lightnin: adds another Mystical good to the deck and stud, wanted to try out another HCWM card

-Rites of the Smoking Mirror: fits the theme, useful for unboot

-Cochise County Courthouse: maybe my favorite card from Out for Blood, triggers an end game as a way to go after dudes instead of running action jobs

-Epidemic Laboratory: this might be the card to drop for Grey Man since I realized only Valeria can run the job

-Circle M Ranch: can drop a lot of cards each turn so go go card draw

-Joker's Smile: would still keep even without Howard to keep the Jokers in the deck, or could swamp for Allie

I hope you enjoy and I look forward to seeing other decks in a few weeks as HCWM ships and we kick off the Savage Lands Series!

Feb 18, 2020 jordan caldwell
Feb 18, 2020 Pine Box Entertainment, LLC

Good call and I forgot Whateley Estate is on value!

Feb 18, 2020 Prodigy

Vivene Goldsun is so good in this type of deck! Very solid starting posse, and changing out Ol Howard for Black Owl still makes it a very impressive 3 wealth, 3 income, 5 influence with easy potential for 2 studs.

Not having played (or even PTed) Vivene at all, did you run into hard choices on whether to send a dude home, if it meant Vivene losing her stud status?

Feb 19, 2020 Findegil

Speaking of Viviene Goldsun - was it a deliberate design choice in HCYM to include a suite of cards that let you take Goods/Spells from play and put them back into your deck to preserve the draw structure?

Feb 19, 2020 Doowa

Discarding goods will always be a drawback/ cost, IMO. Whether those goods or spells fit your draw structure depends solely on your own deck, but should definitely be important in your deck building to run abilities like this.

Feb 21, 2020 Pine Box Entertainment, LLC

I had one game where I used the ability, forgetting that it turns off the trait, so I'd have to get some more games in to see that interaction. I'm not sure design wise if the recycle was intended, perhaps I'll see if we can get Mr. Carter to write an article on it.

Feb 21, 2020 Pine Box Entertainment, LLC

I had one game where I used the ability, forgetting that it turns off the trait, so I'd have to get some more games in to see that interaction. I'm not sure design wise if the recycle was intended, perhaps I'll see if we can get Mr. Carter to write an article on it.

May 18, 2020 Sliptide213

I'm working on something like this as well. However, I'm trying a 2/2 split between Karl's and Gambler's Gun. I like the idea of hand rank manipulation. I'm also trying out Andrew Lane for shootout surprises, and running 8s instead of 5s for Tlalocs Furies.

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