"Jobslide" v3

published Sep 30, 2021 | | |
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
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sholder 83

Threw together a new iteration for the Greenhorn online tournament. Tried to make it more aggressive with a tighter structure focused on 3-4-5 and stuff to turn draws to stud. Only won 1 game, but the losses felt close and was more fun to play overall (at least for me, I think for my opponents as well) since we'd actually get into interesting shootouts when needed.

Sep 30, 2021 Prodigy

Wait a minute, were you my opponent in that last round?!? I did not recognize the nickname 'sixkillz' but now I'm sure that was you...!

Oct 01, 2021 ironcache

I'd really solidify 2 of the values, and make the third a lower amount. The problem with 3 values at the 10-13 count is you'll often not know which value to shoot for. +2 Land Purchase +1 Orphanage +1 Shotgun +1 Heath's +2 Tusk in for -1 Charlie's -2 Pearl Handled -1 Fiddle -1 Hamshanks -1 Ulysses -1 Walter's, for example.

Other minor considerations: maybe +1 coachwhip -1 heist, +1 Antoine -1 De Annulos, +1 kidnapping -1 clifs.

Oct 21, 2021 sholder

Sorry for the late replies, apparently dtdb doesn't send emails anymore :(

@Prodigy yup that was me, thanks for the game!

@ironcache agree on tuning the values - some of the cards you pointed out are left over from the first couple iterations of this deck which were more focused on slide rather than shooting. One thing that is maybe not obvious until you run it is that this relies heavily on a starting Saloon + Clementine + home ability to keep the economy going. Its expensive keeping the Fixer in play, so you really need a 3 cost deed (preferably a Saloon to keep Clementine safe) to play Turn 1. If I don't have one in my starting hand, using Fixer to fetch one gets priority over a job or gun. And once you are in a situation where you are very likely to have a Saloon in play from the start, some of the other cards that have related abilities go up in value.

I really like the idea of the Orphange though - Establishin' Whos in Charge can make it easy to hit 2 CP, and then the production boost can make sure you have plenty of GR until you're ready to push for the win.

Oct 21, 2021 sholder

Sorry for the late replies, apparently dtdb doesn't send emails anymore :(

@Prodigy yup that was me, thanks for the game!

@ironcache agree on tuning the values - some of the cards you pointed out are left over from the first couple iterations of this deck which were more focused on slide rather than shooting. One thing that is maybe not obvious until you run it is that this relies heavily on a starting Saloon + Clementine + home ability to keep the economy going. Its expensive keeping the Fixer in play, so you really need a 3 cost deed (preferably a Saloon to keep Clementine safe) to play Turn 1. If I don't have one in my starting hand, using Fixer to fetch one gets priority over a job or gun. And once you are in a situation where you are very likely to have a Saloon in play from the start, some of the other cards that have related abilities go up in value.

I really like the idea of the Orphange though - Establishin' Whos in Charge can make it easy to hit 2 CP, and then the production boost can make sure you have plenty of GR until you're ready to push for the win.

Oct 21, 2021 Prodigy

Awesome, well I was going to tell you that someone was playing a deck very similar to yours, as I recognized it right away. It's been awhile, so I forget what I was going to comment originally about our game, but the one thing I do remember is winning a final shootout or two (last one being a curse of failure that I ran, maybe?), but still being overrun by a flurry of control points (at least 3 I think?) that I couldn't do anything about with my dudes booted at home!

Fun game for sure, and good to see that deck a little more shooty!