Hot Flying Oddities - Winnipeg OP3 winner

published Jun 28, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Legendary Flyin' Oddities 0 0 2

ghyrti 97

Had been toying with the idea of a deck built around Hot Lead Flyin' and after a few iterations settled on Oddities as the faction. Goal is to get a crowd of weak abominations in town square (with Hot Lead Flyin' in hand) that is too tempting for anyone to pass up. First attempt didn't shoot very well and had some higher value cards that inevitably would get pulled. Decided to go A-2-3 (plus hot lead) for the tournament. Was able to draw two copies in my opening hand and made quick work of a Morgan horse deck. Played a Law Dogs deck next where the player was watching my first game (odd number of players) so they didn't send more than one (3-4 stud boosted) dude into town square at a time but I still drew at least a full house (mostly legal) and a few turns in a had Dulf, Ramiro, and Bobo out and enough dudes that I controlled most of the deeds as well. Really never had any trouble all tournament and went undefeated.

I did play a post-match game against Establishin' a Dead Man's Hand and lost as they went all in on a job so I opposed all in, won the shootout, and then after he discarded a dude, he went home (which I didn't expect) so all my 0 influence dudes went home as well and he played a cheap deed and won.

All considered was a fun deck to play and got a lot of "Why are your clowns attacking my posse full of studs?" until it was too late to realize what was happening.

Jun 28, 2015 tbowers13

You don't go home booted after opposing a job regardless of the outcome unless you run from the fight. Only dudes who are in a posse that formed to start a job automatically go home booted afterward.

Jun 28, 2015 ghyrti

Game was pretty well in hand up to that point too. I really should read the rules...

Jun 29, 2015 byronczimmer

Funtime Freddy, The Flying Popescus, Micah Ryse...

and no Hexes.

That must have confused the heck out of your opponents.

Jun 30, 2015 ghyrti

Best play that day was having an opponent raise their rank to go from losing by one to winning by one and then having to take five casualties...

Jun 30, 2015 Csonti

Have you faced a landslide deck with this setup? Looks like a tough match-up to me.

Jun 30, 2015 ghyrti

One guy played a pseudo-landslide (had Mustangs for movement and started Lane Healey) but my draw was perfect and his couldn't have been worse. I won the first three lowballs and all he could get out was one 2GR income deed that I had Ramiro camped out at and a couple of smaller ones. I also had Bobo in town square and a pile of cash due to home ability and first turn pawnshop. Forced him into a shootout after dropping two more deeds still having three hot lead flying in hand. He went all in and lost by a rank, played cheating varmint, and then ate five casualties.

Jul 01, 2015 Csonti

Well, starting with a 2 upkeep guy (who is a combat piece anyway) in a landslide(ish) deck is an odd choice. And with lowballs lost it was of course a total failure.

I still think that this deck has serious problem facing a properly build landslide deck.