Legendary Flyin' Oddities

published Jan 19, 2016 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Hot Flying Oddities - Winnipeg OP3 winner 4 5 7
Inspiration for
Legendary Flyin' Oddities v2 0 1 0

BreakingPoint0 16

I used the listed deck as inspiration.

I wanted something which would catch my opponents off guard and this seems like it would fit the bill. Really the biggest difference is I added a Junior and Legendary Holster and took out two cards(Micah Ryse & Bobo). I figured Junior fits the draw structure and would allow me to get the Holster out on that turn or a bit later.

The only off value cards that really hurt Hot Lead Flyin' when pulling is the Holster and Hot Lead Flyin' itself.

Jan 25, 2016 jaythejester

Have you thought of putting in a La Quema? Little pricey, but it lets your dude join a shoot from anywhere, boots a dude, and increases value by 3 (bringing low value dudes into hot lead range) pull able with junior as well.

Jan 25, 2016 BreakingPoint0

No I have not, but thank you for mentioning it! I don't have No Turning Back so I didn't even realize it was an option. That's the next expansion I plan on buying.

I had a chance to play it today and it worked out really well I think. Income wasn't an issue in the least. The biggest problem I had was with the main part of the deck: Hot Lead Flyin'. With the values being run I only ended up using it to pull and get 1 extra casualty. 1 more I had gotten otherwise, but almost seemed like a waste. I'm going to have to look at and see if I can get some other off value dudes in there. Or just find a way to increase the current dudes value, like with La Quema