Clowns... hundreds of them... spilling out of Volkswagons...

published Mar 22, 2016 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jaghatai 12

Needs some adjusting to counter land-slide, but testing is needed to see if including Ivor Hawley Exp and some combat jobs will help or slow down the shenanigans.

Mar 22, 2016 Doowa

A few questions: What is Doyle's Hoyle good for, what pulls are you trying to make with 0 spells? My local meta would call for at least 2 Unprepared and prolly 2 Bottom Dealin'. IMO, Ivor Hawley (Exp.1) is definently worth it btw. I'll appreaciate an evaluation when you've played with it.

I'm working on a deck idea that includes 2-3 key spells, which I ace with Buried Treasure and bring back with Ivor.. haven't tested it yet, but the idea appeals to me.

Mar 22, 2016 Jaghatai

Doyle's is used for the resolution ability. Since the draw structure is 2-10-Q, you get plenty of chances to swap the 10 in for a deuce and bump up (usually worth a few hand ranks, full house to 4oaK, or 2pair to full house, then up one for the deuce). Muggings were just a zero cost deuce job used to screw with shotguns/hexes/etc, so a bottom dealin or two could slot in. Ivors intriguing, so I'll slot him in and give it a whirl.

Mar 22, 2016 Chainsawsb

With the name you've given the deck, no Clown Carriage? :D

Mar 22, 2016 Jaghatai

Yeah, I definitely need to work on the name! The clown carriage was originally going to be a delivery system, but after building the deck, I realized I had no scientists.

Tried Ivor exp, and he is really spectacular. Swapped him in for Bobo and it worked out wonderfully.

Double dealin didn't work out as well as I'd hoped, the soul cage gimmick was always too tempting to use and they acted as a cheating deterrent. I ended up having it jam my hand up a few times (honestly didn't expect that to happen).

Land-slide is still causing me grief, but getting closer! I'm thinking about loosening the draw structure a tiny bit, dropping the Q deeds to add a few low cost-1 or 2 influence guys (jake smiley, etc) just to attack/claim deeds in a pinch. The 2's and 10's are the stars, so the queens are really just support

Mar 22, 2016 DoomDog

If you're cutting Q deeds, keep your General Store, but maybe lose The Pharmacy if you're not playing it/having trouble defending it. While St. Anthony's Chapel reduces your abominations/ bullets it might be better in place of Testing Range as it gives you income. There are plenty of other non-Q cheap deeds with production.

Fancy Hats might prove useful against slide, and if mobile influence is an issue would it be worth dropping a Pagliaccio for Olivia Jenks? If you're cutting back the Qs I'd also fancy swapping Smiling Tom for someone who's a bit cheaper and more mobile.