Giddy Up Getup

published Mar 05, 2025 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jaythejester 464

Jesters Entertainment llllc. has been toiling away to figure out what really makes a good Doomtown deck work. We really thought it was getting a dudes bullet rating as high as possible.... but now we believe IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY BABY!!! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! Stone cold Rock is how you win!

This deck is named Giddy Up Getup because you're playing heavy on Horses and Sunday Best. Sunday Best is the inspiration and the reason I think this deck will have the Ghost Rock you crave. Farnum's Consortium has a very strong economy potential, but only if you have dudes parked at your deeds during upkeep. Sunday best can be used to relocate your dudes onto your deeds for upkeep. Having your dudes on your deeds isn't always the end goal though, so you'll use Horses and other movement abilities to get too where the action is.

What do you do with all that money? Other than fancy clothes and horses you can pay for some powerful mercenaries, like The Grave Gunslinger and Ramiro Mendoza. You can upgrade Al Swearengen.

It's nothing too fancy, but it should get the job done. Your playing 15-4's, 14-5's and 14-7's so the deck is very tight on draw structure. Theres a couple each of Ambush and Kidnappin' to force opponents into a tight spot, and with Pinto you can commit a small posse and bring more dudes in later if opponent opposes. You've got strong dudes, and several cheap chaff dudes to either increase your production or soak a casualty.

Oh, and YEE-HAW!