Law Dogs 2/5/8/10 - Can a 4 Value Deck Work?

published Jan 23, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jekmak 175

There have been some good 3 value Law Dog Shooter decks put together using 2s, 3s, 5s and 8s which were increasingly looking at incorporating 10s from the new saddle bags.

Could things be pushed to 12 of 4 values - 2/5/8/10? Particularly when:

  1. Doyle's Hoyle can be used to swap its 10 for a 2.

  2. The deck is really focused on making dudes wanted, to then take advantage of that fact through Bounty Hunter, Too Much Attention, Bluetick, Judge Harry Somerset, Clyde Owens, and Gang Yi.

  3. 4 values might help win Low Ball a bit more and allow the deck to take advantage of its inclusion of Town Council.

Starting vulnerability to Shotgun and Soul Blast or Paralysis Mark- start Gang Yi.

Would love some feedback from you guys. :-)

Jan 23, 2015 brystrom

My only concern would be the economy of this build, quite a few inefficient deeds (Town Hall I'm looking at you) but maybe the one Baird's will help. Bounty Hunter costs add up and you really only make their money back later in the game or if you run B&B Attorneys. I really like the idea of running a 10s and 2s build and the deck's cards certainly synergize well. Bluetick probably more useful in conjunction with your own dudes once they get wanted after backing up the BHs in private locations. I would think you'd need to be really careful/aware of what cards you put into play (moreso than a more standard structure) in regards to making your shootout hands, especially the very common 7 stud 1 draw you'll see when someone SIYEs your BH's backup stud. I will definitely play around with this one and give ya better feedback, looks fun.

Jan 23, 2015 brystrom

Also look to Mortimer as a starter, ignore the fact that he's a Mad Scientist and he's a 2 stud 2 ifl for cheaper than Wendy. Drop Lucy and Phillip and your stating GR remains the same and you give up one influence, he's tougher to shotgun too. And his ability makes him great for backing up BH if you can afford the influence loss. They leave you in a bad way bullet wise cheat and get him outta there.