WW Saved by Grace 6-9-10

published Jun 15, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
WW - Carters One Box - Law Dogs 6-9-10 0 0 0
Inspiration for
None yet

RichCarter 474

in a Saved by Grace Mirror match, I was frequently unwilling to use the home to go searching for cards, whereas my opponent had a better set up to boot his blessed. Many deeds hit the table, and a full on chess game developed. I did get careless near the end thinking that I had access to a lopsided fight, but his CARTER'S BOUNTIES changed the face of the fight and forced the game to go an extra turn before I could secure the win.

Jan 01, 2025 Kacheese

I have been playing this deck and really liking it.

Have you done any tinkering or iteration on the deck since posting it?

What kind of considerations did you have regarding the off value cards?