Memorial Fortress

published Apr 03, 2016 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

streatim 21

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Ranch

"I just don't get why it's called 'Wagner Memorial Ranch'" Kyle said, sidestepping his way around a particularly prickly patch of shrubbery. "What's the Memorial for? I didn't have any relatives in this area or anything."

Irving's stomach dropped at the thought of Kyle's discovery, but his mouth stayed firm and his feet continued to lead the party. Wagner was stumbling through the landscape, followed by the eternally distracted Howard Aswell. Irving tried to warn the good doctor that he needn't bring anything, but Aswell insisted on carrying a leather case bulging with schematics. He spent the whole mosey mumbling to himself, nary casting a glance nor greeting at anyone around him. Near as Irving could tell, Aswell was in his own little world. Just as well. Irving thought the doctor was too weird. Chuan "Jen" Qi followed behind, bemused at something else entirely.

Who knows what, though. We're not indulging in that part of the story.

The skies were darkened from the smoke wrought by the receding Gadgetorium and the forthcoming Memorial. The fires of industry blotted the sky in stark defiance of all attempts by nature to overcome it. Sunny sky? Smoke. Clear night? Smoke. Raging dust storm? Well, that peaked through...but there was still a lot of smoke involved in that as well.

The group had been sent to look in on the Memorial Barn, a centerpiece of the larger ranch and site of the impending Morgan Technological Exhibition. All sorts of gadgets and gizmos were to be showcased - the tried & true Force Field, a Mechanical Skeleton that Jen had taken a shine to, and even an old, mechanical woman brought across the ocean and continent by one of those Euro scientists. Thing creeped out most of the party, but it was gaudy and showy and fit the general nature of the exhibition.

When the group reached the central barn, Irving and Jen grasped the barn doors and worked them open. Despite being newly built, the doors creaked, groaned, and struggled against the efforts of humanity as though they were the gates to an ancient and primordial temple. The interior was dark and musky. In a distant corner a scampering sound was heard. Irving's eyes darted from place to place - this was supposed to be a new barn. Why does it look like this has been here for years? Elsewhere, Kyle blew dust off a Memorial plaque and read it.

"Uh, guys? Why is this a...why does this say this barn is a Cenotaph...for, uh, me...?"

It was unnerving to the old cowhand. This whole situation was just unnatural. Just deeply unset-


The entire party jumped back as Aswell burst through the entrance, papers flying behind him as he bounded into the darkness and back again like a child in an unattended candy story. "That's what'll pick this whole thing up." Aswell's hands flew from place to place. "A gun here, and a gun here, and a gun here..."

Weird. This was all just too weird.


Okay, look, I put more thought in that introduction than to the deck itself, which should give a good indication about the amount of thought put into the deck. But, having toyed with this a little bit, I think this showcases a few neat ideas.

First and foremost, Technological Exhibition. Imagine - it's turn 1. You're depressed because you saw Yagn's Mechanical Skeleton get dumped in Aswell's attempt to discover an Auto-Gatling, because Aswell is so singularly focused on his Improvements that he missed out on a great gadget for Jen. You won lowball, which was great because you start with 8 ghost rock then, but right now all you're thinking is that you wish a legal High Noon action would be to cry.

Except there's Technological Exhibition, whispering into your ear and telling you all will be okay. Because you can pick up that discarded Mechanical Skeleton, give it an ol' spit-shine and attach it to Jen for free and at difficulty 4.

So why would you even Aswell? Because although this is a stupid straight flush deck with clubs (bell curves are for people who believe in efficiency and sense, IE those who do not belong in the land of the weird), you're looking at 5 Improvements to attach to the Ranch - 4 Auto-Gatlings and a Fate Dispenser. Aswell's discard doubles the chances of getting an Improvement onto the Ranch in the first round from 40% to 82%. It also gives your discard pile a chance to fill up with juicy gadgets to exhibit, as well as the opportunity to drop any Jokers you might pull out of your hand.

In short, he's certainly not consistent enough for competitive decks, nor for even inclusion in other versions of this deck, but he's just weird enough for it. And weird is what we want.

J.W. Byrne is there for MechaByrne nonsense, Nicodemus Whateley is there to help support an actual win condition (along with the only Ace and Two of clubs cards).

The clubs are largely interchangeable with whatever seems to fit your Meta. About the only ones I would say are Must-haves are Technological Exhibition and A Slight Modification.

As an additional sidenote (because this is something I had to remind myself of time and time again): Try to avoid using Technological Exhibition to attach improvements to the Ranch. Because it's a job, even if you mark the Ranch your Mad Scientist will end up booted at home prior to inventing the gadget. This means you won't be able to boot the Ranch to lower the difficulty and increase its production. I tend to use them for the other gadgets: Force Field, Ballot Counter (both meant to help use up all the Ghost rock you'll be swimming in), and even Yagn's (although if you can get Kyle to invent those at the Ranch, that's always more production).

Get weird, folks.

I'll add some changes and post-play thoughts in the comments in a few days.

Apr 03, 2016 bitternerd

Just noticed that tech inno says you invent gadget without booting. What is the point of that since it is a job and they will boot home anyway?
And you are sure they boot home prior to inventing?
I.e. If they boot home before inventing (when job is successful) why would the card say without booting? Does it mean "without having to boot as a cost to invent"

Apr 03, 2016 streatim

@bitternerd- In terms of booting home prior to inventing, I'm taking that from the Timing Structure. Once the shootout is complete, the leader's posse all boot home (as normal for any job); it's only after they're home that the "If successful" part of the card is resolved.

In the case of Technological Exhibition, once you boot home you begin to resolve everything after "...choose a gadget in your Hand or discard pile." So yeah, you're right - it's basically saying "without having to boot as a cost to invent." Otherwise the leader wouldn't be able to pay the cost of inventing the Gadget.

In a weird way it's a lot similar to William Specks. Specks can't invent a gadget he's reducing the cost of because he's only reducing the Ghost Rock cost (and doing so requires him to boot).

Apr 03, 2016 bitternerd

Hmmm. So jobs aren't considered successful until after you are home booted?
Maybe I never thought about it before, but I assumed you went home booted because it was successful, not to complete the "success" (Kind of like netrunner where a run is successful before you get into the server) Interesting!

Apr 04, 2016 Hasgar

In fact you even go home booted if the job is not successful.

Apr 04, 2016 mplain

@bitternerdCheck out the rulebook entry on Jobs, specifically Step 5:

  1. [after the shootout is over] The job is deternimed to be successful or unsuccessful.

  2. The leader's posse goes home booted.

  3. "If successful" effects resolve.

  4. The posse is dissolved and the job ends.

So basically, the posse goes home booted after the job is determined as successful, but before the "if successful" effects resolve.

Apr 04, 2016 bitternerd

Thanks for the story and weird deck- I'm going to see if I can make it fly tomorrow!

Apr 04, 2016 streatim

@bitternerd- Sounds great! I'd love to hear your thoughts after you take it for a spin.

Apr 09, 2016 streatim

Having played this a few times, Oh God. I was wrong. I was so, so wrong.

This deck is the absolute definition of Jank - IF you can score the right combination of cards, or if you're playing someone who is also turtling a bit, you should be perfectly okay! It's solid! But if you end up playing against slide decks all night (like I did and most are likely to do) it's an extremely easy deck to take apart and destroy.


Taking this thing apart at the end of the night, it was easy to see (for me) where the wheels were running off in separate directions. In general, this deck is going to avoid shootouts unless you've got a Yagn's (which is hardly guaranteed early on), which means you'll be sitting at home with a pile of shootout actions you don't want to use in your hand. On top of that, while I still eschew the "bell curve" style of straight flush design, it was still a little too loose for me. There's being weird, and then there's flopping yet another flush because you're being thrown into subpar shootouts because you don't have the means to stay in the game otherwise.

SO! I'm currently tinkering with the deck (I'll probably throw up a second version with an updated tale if I'm feeling rambunctious), but Holy Whateley take this deck with a grain of salt. It looks rambunctious and fun, but it's going to kick your teeth out 75% of the time.


Initial Card Thoughts While Ya'll Wait

Definitely revise the clubs. Throw out maybe half the shootout actions, make sure you're including Noon Actions to help cycle the cards out of hand. Tighten up the club spread - at present I'm thinking x4 of 6-J, but you could easily jump up to Q (though I am still in love with Technological Exhibition, so that probably won't be the path for me) or K, but having x4 of almost every value 6 and above was maybe a bit much. Probably going to take this extra card space and fill it with Dudes for Whateley and Influence.

Apr 09, 2016 bitternerd

Haha. I was going to post almost the same thing after playing this deck 4 times on Wednesday. But I got lazy. It won once due to having a yagn early and blowing up opponent's town square job , but yep- too many shootout plays stuck in hand early. I still like the idea too and may tweak. But may get lazy again and just see what you come up with. Cheers!

Apr 11, 2016 Otomo

Quite an amusing deck, all in on the straight flush too! I tried to build a similar, more traditionally structured version of this using Epidemic Laboratory as the victory condition (as you only have to draw that once and then just keep running the job) and haven't quite been able to get it to work. I don't think I'd be comfortable with no other deeds and so light on dudes, personally, but maybe as a casual build.

Nice job on the fiction!