Dr. Boldman's Repair Team

published Feb 09, 2025 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Toiletine 2

This deck is based around Elander Boldman and The Fixer. Shotgun and Legendary Holster are there to raise The Fixer's bullets, while also giving him the ability to ace other dudes in a shootout. The Pearl-Handled Revolver can be given to The Fixer to make him a stud.

But what makes this deck scary, is when you use Elander Boldman to invent the Flame-Thrower and give it to The Fixer, which makes The Fixer a stud dude. Next, bring these two dudes into shootouts together. You use the Flame-Thrower's shootout ability to raise The Fixer's bullets, and Elander Boldman's shootout ability to raise The Fixer's bullets even more.