Welcome to the Freak Show (Fourth Ring Abominations, First T

published Apr 13, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Whyartwork@gmail.com 198

Starting with 2x Pagliaccio, The Brute, and Ivor Hawley. The idea is to pump Ivor Hawley full of hexes while he's at home making him a Huckster 3, Stud 2, Influence 4. You move every Pagliaccio you can get into the game into the town square with the brute and your influence skyrockets. With just your starting posse in the town square and Ivor Hawley with a Hex you have 7 influence to keep you in the game for a while till your deck starts rolling. You should have control of the town square all game. Anyone steps there you use your outfit and call them out. If they bring in the big guns you have The Brute to help save you or if you've got a Coachwhip! in your hand then bring in Ivor Hawley and punish them hard. The Draw structure of this deck is 4 values with 12 of each so its a slightly less reliable full house structure but it should still be able to handle shoot outs very well. As far as hexes go, Ivor Hawley will have no trouble pulling for Summoning or Forget. Raising Hell will go off on anything except the 4's in your deck so 3/4 of the time isnt too bad. Hopefully you wont have to use it but it will be helpful to keep bring The Brute back after you ace him for 4 casualties if you wind up in a bad spot. The deads are just the ones that fit the draw structure that seem to synergize best with the deck. Jackson's Strike for economy, Whateley Estate to lock other dudes down. The Clubs in this deck also fit draw structure of 4s, 6s, Js, and Ks. If Ivor Hawley is in your posse then Point Blank is going to hurt the opponent pretty bad. Coachwhip! is this deck's cheating resolution. One Good turn to help cycle cards or help with the economy on rare occasions (Im worried mostly about the economy with this deck). Meet The New Boss is gonna be a lot of fun in combo with The Whateley Estate if you can get it to go off. But its gonna be slim so don't ever count on it. Election Day Slaughter is another job involving the town square which you should already have a ton of abominations at. It will help you lower the opposing influence as the control points will probably be slow coming. The biggest worries in this deck are losing Ivor Hawley or not being able to get the economy going. A Steele Archer with Summoning can help bring Ivor Hawley back again and again but it is going to be a very small chance so DONT LOSE IVOR! lol Best of luck and let me know anything you learn if you run this deck. I always appreciate feedback.

Apr 13, 2015 aermet69

I like it.

Apr 13, 2015 Whyartwork@gmail.com

Thanks @aermet69

Apr 19, 2015 davido

What happens when Ivor needs to pay his taxes (aka California Tax office comes out) - can you pay it or take it over?

Apr 20, 2015 Whyartwork@gmail.com

Good point David... I forgot about that card. Your oddities deck today was beastly by the way. Ramiro was a terrifying 8 stud. I like your plan better.

Apr 20, 2015 Whyartwork@gmail.com

Although I guess I could just keep two ghost rock on hand if someone lays it down.

Apr 20, 2015 davido

Also, without miracles, what does Prayer do for the deck? You can't go wrong with some Cheatin' Varmints at 9. Ditto Felix Amador. Looks like you were thinking of a combo deck and never went anywhere. If you do go the combo route, Holy Roller and Walk the Path are clutch defense/mobility.

Paralysis Mark is probably the best of the defensive/control spells. Forget is nice, and a very easy pull, but after Wendy and Allie, who would you use it on. Especially when the home ability does what you need to nerf those two.

Apr 22, 2015 Whyartwork@gmail.com

@davido I think your comment may have been meant for a different deck...?

Apr 22, 2015 davido

The decklist posted here features Felix, Prayer, no miracles, and it is an OoN deck.

Apr 22, 2015 tbowers13

That's because there was a pretty significant corruption of data last week when the site was updated. All three of the decks I uploaded last week have had cards switched out for other cards that make no sense in the deck. Also Felix and Prayer were cards that somehow got added to my abomination deck too. I don't know if it has been fixed yet but there were a number of new cards last week that gave the incorrect card info when you hover over them. Starting locations got botched up with other cards too.

Apr 22, 2015 tbowers13

Now on to the comments about your actual deck. I have something similar built focusing on just 6s Js and Ks. My biggest problem has been influence, which is fine when you're in town square but you can't take over the other dudes deeds very often. You also can't do much to protect and keep control of your own deeds. You can move to them and call out the opposing dude, but then you lose your influence. And since Summoning is such a big part of the deck, it really hurts that once you use it your entire posse has to go home booted after the job ends and you're left with very little influence. Using Summoning in later turns or even early against some decks can cost you the game due to the severe loss of influence once you leave town square.

I'm a little surprised to see you're running 2 Kevin and 1 Tyx rather than vice versa since Tyx is an abomination and Kevin isn't.

Apr 22, 2015 davido

Tbowers - thanks for pointing out the database corruption - I'd like to see the deck as actually constructed/intended. The OP has seen my take on OoN shooter - I'll be posting that soon as well as writing it up for Gomorra Gazette - but it uses Ramiro for early firepower/studdage.

Apr 23, 2015 Doowa

@davido, you wont post you're version here? Else a link Will be appreciated

Apr 23, 2015 davido

Since you asked so nicely: dtdb.co

Apr 23, 2015 davido

oops - try this: dtdb.co

Apr 23, 2015 davido

oops - try this: dtdb.co