An update to Father and Child deck.
Major changes include dropping "Open Wound", adding Erik Samson and Sister Mary Gideon and additional Lay On Hands and Confession. I also dropped Good Stiff Drink since I really never had a chance most games to try and use Fathers ability twice. For it I put in Point Blank I'm also trying 2 copies of Foreboding Glance since it seems to combo so well in this deck. I can move into place refusing a call out without booting home (Amazing Grace), boot all their attached cards (control points from Showboating), boot the dude (influence increased from Amazing Grace), and call them out (bounty yourself with confession + Furies). I have sacrificed the alternative draw structure. of Q's and K's for stronger number of spells, and power blessed dudes.
For those recently tuning in. Basic strategy is to sit and build. Build. BUILD. Father Tolarios grabs your hearts cards out of your deck. While casting Confession to keep Fathers ability powered, and/or earn GR, Casting Amazing Grace for influence, and casting Sword of the Spirit for stud bullet bonus and spell protection, you will be earning control points with Showboating. Tommy is your built in protection against cheating, so that if you play a straight flush and your opponent cheats you will be hand rank 11, and he is a useful stud deputy.
Jacqueline Isham is a good alternate starting dude for The Caretaker if your opponent is playing Desolation Row, or Full Moon Brotherhood.
Feb 25, 2017 funtimeteddy |
Feb 25, 2017
I think they are very useful depending on the situation. I first decided to put them in because of Morgan Regulators as a way of starting shootouts without taking real casualties. It can be a strange sort of way of putting bounty on opponents dudes at your adjacent deeds, with the possibility winning the shootout. of It also has a great combination with Abram Grothe (Exp.2) who can unboot the dudes. It seems super defensive, but Lay On Hands can let you get very aggressive since you know you won't be taking real casualties. |
Feb 25, 2017
I can see how it functions well in this deck. Overall, I find it to be a weak spell. Considering it is one of your off value, potential-to-fail pulls, was just curious. |
Feb 26, 2017
I've found Father Tolarios' ability to search for the spell removes the risk of failing pulls if you make it one of your first targets. It needing to boot the Blessed is a downside though, so it usually goes to someone like Perry who's going to be staying out of the way. Get Behind Me, Satan! is another good spell for Father Tolarios to grab early, especially when he's got the skill boost from Tlaloc's Furies. |
How crucial is Lay On Hands?