Servitor Series Event Sloane Horcruxes

published Jan 29, 2018 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kollatt 524

This deck plans to build early with shootout hexes and horses to power Calling the Cavalry, occupy town square and apply control pressure with Allie Hensman and the home's ability. You generally never want to call out the opponent unless necessary since that prevents Jaqueline Isham from using her react. Dave Gorman can be a nasty threat when you hit one of your two-bullet dudes with CtC, Bowie Knife or You Had ONE Job! after he's debuffed everyone, but use caution against possible Sun In Yer Eyes after the fact. Pistol Whips should be held to deal with dudes carrying Shotguns or others that try to move in via Pintos, Carter's Bounties, The Stakes Just Rose, etc. Pedros combined with Nightmare Realms give you the advantage in attrition wars.

Problematic cards: Shotgun, Puppet, Sun In Yer Eyes

Jan 29, 2018 DoomDog

Looks similar to something I built last year but scrapped, good to see the idea can actually work! What was the field like? I found in testing that Morgan decks were able to build up quicker than I could and bully me out of town square with their superior horsepower. I'd be interested to hear if you faced any and how you dealt with them.

Jan 29, 2018 Zeetoois

Do you need to control the location to be able to play Bowie Knife? I've never played it that way. Looks like a fun deck! I love me some Slucksters.

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@DoomDog it's definitely a problematic matchup as CtC and Pistol Whips do very little for you. Your best bet is to build up hexes and set up Dave's ability with a Pinto or two to move in some studs and take out a few dudes in one round, but it is sketchy and requires a little caution and possibly some luck.

@Zeetoois Bowie Knife is still a good so why not? Even though it can be played as a shootout action it still has to follow attachment rules unless put into play by some other effect that ignores them.

Jan 29, 2018 Zeetoois

I phrased my question badly. >.

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Zeetoois not sure what you mean?

Jan 29, 2018 Zeetoois

Aaaaaand now the rest of my comment doesn't post. Ugh. This communication is terrible haha. I was under the impression you COULD play Bowie Knife in TS (or any other location you don't control). Is that not the case?

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Zeetoois no unfortunately not. Even though Bowie Knife has the nice ability to surprise your opponent by being played as a shootout action, it still has to follow the rules of attachment that all other goods follow ( on an unbooted dude you control in a location you control ). It's still a great card, but not quite that busted :]

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Zeetoois on pg. 18 of the rulebook it does state "Some card effects let you bring another card into play. When using one of these effects, the new card enters play following these same rules, depending on its type. The costs of the new card must still be paid, so if you can’t pay those costs, you can’t attempt to bring it into play. If that new card is a goods or spell, a dude can attach it even when booted and/or in a location you don’t control. Dudes still can’t take anything that they aren’t allowed to carry." This is referring to bringing a card into play with another separate card such as General Store. However, Bowie Knife is stating on itself that you can play it as a shootout action, so it still must follow the normal attachment procedure.

Jan 29, 2018 Zeetoois

Hmm. I was seeing the "may attach," and that gives me pause. If nothing else, I'd love an official answer, because this is the first time I've heard that it can't be attached in such a way. I'm sure you're correct, but still. To the rules forum!

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Zeetoois i'd love to be wrong. I love the card so if it can level up I'd take it.

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Zeetoois well there ya go. I'll see if I can edit the original info box then, because that just makes this deck work all the better. Thanks for pursuing the ruling and proving me wrong :]

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Zeetoois I did actually play it correctly in the beginning because I thought it worked that way too, but then tried to look too deeply into it I guess and made it worse for myself. XD

Jan 29, 2018 Zeetoois

Haha well this just makes your deck all the better! Suddenly Allie can be a surprise 3 stud! :)

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Zeetoois yup! Great job checking. It was the "another card" terminology that tripped me up and I think it is an understandable interpretation. Hopefully they can clarify that a little bit more.

Jan 29, 2018 Harlath

Cool looking deck, nice to see Nightmare Realm in there.

Given your list of problem cards for the deck (Puppet, Sun in Yer Eyes, Shotgun) is it worth adding in 2x Hiding in the Shadows and dropping 2x Pistol Whip? Send home is great when you're in Town Square and have won lowball, so the tradeoff might not be worth it.

Solid starting posse - 2x Hucksters, good influence and Jacqueline Isham makes an excellent bodyguard for Allie Hensman while the latter spies on the town.

Jan 29, 2018 kollatt

@Harlath I like that flavor :] Gonna pretend that's what's happening now.

Jan 29, 2018 Harlath

It's how I see the Sloane homes, I think they tell a nice (perhaps the wrong word, unless I approve of banditry?) story.

The Sloane Gang - subtle thieving/spying on town as it gives control points and ghost rock without a bounty.

Desolation Row - clearly represents robbing the town (generally gives more ghost rock but brings a bounty with it).

Protection Racket - speaks for itself! Our bandits have graduated to running the town. :)